Transformational Leadership Development Program
Developed by Douglas Smith and Michael King
Amy Higginbotham
“I have been promoted not once or even twice, but three times since the completion of the co-hort.”
Tiffani Hirani
“When I began the 2023 Transformational Leadership Cohort, I was a leader in hiding. Now I am a leader that leads.”
Transformational Leadership is a unique and intensive leadership development program developed by Douglas Smith and Michael King and is intended to support organizations or coalitions that want to achieve unprecedented outcomes by investing in people best positioned to achieve that change. It is most effective when structured as a cohort formed through a highly competitive selection process.
Creating a Leadership Practice
Most leadership trainings focus on behaviors and skills correlated with the characteristics of a successful leader. What these trainings miss, however, is that leadership effectiveness is a function of who leaders are being in every leadership situation. People are born leaders, with the capacity to successfully realize their vision in the world. This is an essential and foundational training, facilitated as a group coaching. Leaders will look honestly at their own contributions to the results they are producing without shame or judgement, leading to increased effectiveness. They will shift to seeing others as leaders with an innate capacity to create change; and this shift will transform relationships.
Storytelling and Leadership
The stories people tell about themselves, their experiences, and others create patterns of beliefs and habits. These stories either support forward movement or create a sense of limiting beliefs. Our stories frame us as either the subject or object of our own experience. This training helps people to develop powerful stories of self, helping them to reframe old stories and providing them the basis for powerful forward action. The training also helps leaders to identify the stories they tell about others, and how those stories support or derail productive relationships.
Developing Collective Leadership
The most successful change efforts are those characterized by a thriving and empowered team. This training takes the foundation from prior workshops and then applies them to team building. Essential to this training are two features. First, leaders are introduced to the practice of collective leadership, which helps them to recognize their own contribution to productive or unproductive relationships. If leadership is an innate quality, then we must also hold that to be true with others.
This means that conflict is not to be avoided, but to be acknowledged as an opportunity to build powerful relationships. This training reframes conflict as opportunity, and helps teams to plan for and navigate conflict effectively.
Goal Setting, Planning, and Achieving Change
This session brings all the elements of all training together, helping leaders to galvanize their teams into action. The training reframes the project of leading change efforts as a journey of growth and learning. The workshop includes effective goal setting and planning tools, which are made more effective by teams that are prepared to evaluate outcomes and develop an evolving strategy.
What Transformational Leadership Graduates are Saying…
Red Gilbert
“I highly recommend this cohort to anyone ready to lead and willing to learn. If you apply and are chosen, come with an open mind and prepare to be challenged.”
Amy Higginbotham
“My program administrator is now helping me to complete the paperwork that will enable LifePath to become a training entity so I can be with the peer specialists from start to finish. Training, supervising and assisting with certification. All of this is due in part to what I have learned: effective communication, taking responsibility for not only where I mess up but where I do good too. Learning the communication style of my team members and listening! Not being afraid of conflict, welcoming the changes that can be brought about. Choosing a path and following it through, no matter what.”
Rose Arizola
“The narrative I had created and told myself was far from where I wanted to be. I learned how to hold myself accountable for what I was producing now, good or bad, and what I wanted to produce in the future.”